Shot 1: Mets Intro Night

-Compositing (DDMG) - (also Lead Comp for the whole sequence)

-Over 200 CG elements, practical smoke, etc…

-Lighting look-dev (via Nuke)

-Confetti particle FX sim


Shot 2: Mets Intro Breakdown

(same as above)


Shot 3: Mets Intro Day

-Compositing (DDMG) (also Lead Comp for the whole sequence)

-Over 200 CG elements, practical smoke, etc…

-Lighting look-dev (via Nuke)

-Confetti particle FX sim


Shot 4: Mets Pitcher Day

-Compositing (DDMG)  (also Lead Comp for the whole sequence)

-Over 200 CG elements, practical smoke, etc…

-Lighting look-dev (via Nuke)

-VFX look-dev done in Nuke with extremely simple ribbon passes


Shot 5: Star Trek: Into Darkness

-Compositing (ILM) 

-Greenscreen extraction

-Integration of real fire, CG fire, lava, sparks, smoke, etc.


Shot 6: Star Trek: Into Darkness

-Compositing (ILM) 

-Greenscreen extraction

-Integration of real fire, CG fire, lava, sparks, smoke, etc.


Shot 7: Star Trek: Into Darkness

-Compositing (ILM)

-Greenscreen extraction

-Integration of rain, spray, mist, etc


Shot 8: Star Trek: Into Darkness

-Compositing (ILM)

-Greenscreen extraction

-Integration of rain, spray, mist, etc

-Set extension comp (everything outside of the 5 guys in the middle is CG).


Shot 9: Star Trek: Into Darkness - Ship Battle

-Compositing (ILM)

-Integration of dozens of CG elements such as: debris, fire, smoke, ships, lights, etc…


Shot 10: Star Trek: Into Darkness - Kirk Closeup

-Compositing (ILM)

-Integration of CG background debris, stars, etc…


Shot 11: Star Trek: Into Darkness - Kirk Flying

-Compositing (ILM)

-Integration of dozens of CG elements such as: debris, visor, lights, stars, atmosphere, etc…


Shot 12: Star Trek: Into Darkness - Kirk Flying

-Compositing (ILM)

-Integration of dozens of CG elements such as: debris, visor, lights, stars, atmosphere, etc…


Shot 13: Star Trek: Into Darkness - Kahn Flying

-Compositing (ILM)

-Integration of dozens of CG elements such as: debris, visor, lights, stars, atmosphere, etc…


Shot 14: Star Trek: Into Darkness - Flying into Ship

-Compositing (ILM)

-All CG shot

-Integration of dozens of CG elements such as: environment, characters, fx spray/mist, lights, flares, etc…


Shot 15: Star Trek: Into Darkness - Flying into Ship

-Compositing (ILM)

-Set extension via comp and sequential paint/tracking

-CG glass integration


Shot 16: Star Trek: Into Darkness - Flying into Ship

-Compositing (ILM)

-Set extension via comp and sequential paint/tracking

-CG glass integration

-Face replacement


Shot 17: Rock of Ages

-Compositing (DDMG) (acting show Compositing Supervisor)

-Set extension including: 3D projection, spotlight recreation, wet road, etc…


Shot 18: Stealth - Plane Taxis Down Runway

-Compositing (DD)

-Integration of CG plane in FG


Shot 19: Stealth - Plane Takes off with VTOL

-Compositing (DD)

-Integration of CG plane in FG

-Integration of CG VTOL VFX.  

-The look of the VTOL treatment was defined in this shot for the whole film.


Shot 20: Stealth - Plane refuels

-Compositing (DD)

-Practical cockpit

-CG probe, retanker ship (over 50 separate passes), spray

-Integration of practical drips down windshield


Shot 21: Stealth - Plane flies in circle around tanker

-Compositing (DD)

-All CG shot

-Integration of planes, probe, retanker ship (over 50 separate passes), spray, fuel cloud, etc…


Shot 22: Stealth - Plane continues to fly in circle around tanker

-Compositing (DD)

-All CG shot

-Integration of planes, probe, retanker ship (over 50 separate passes), spray, fuel cloud, etc…


Shot 23: Stealth - Fuel Cloud Explodes

-Compositing (DD)

-All CG shot

-FX fire/smoke/fuel cloud integration


Shot 24: How To Train Your Dragon - Hiccup Flies

-Lighting/Comp (Dreamworks) (Lead Lighter for entire sequence)

-Rig setup and lighting direction

-Compositing of all CG environment, characters, etc…

-Led production artists for the sequence


Shot 25: Megamind - Flying Up Through City

-Comp (Dreamworks) (Comp Lead/Supe for entire film)

-Compositing of all CG environment, characters, etc…


Shot 26: Megamind - Flying Down Through City

-Comp (Dreamworks) (Comp Lead/Supe for entire film)

-Compositing of all CG environment, characters, etc…


Shot 27: Megamind - Exploding Observatory

-Comp (Dreamworks) (Comp Lead/Supe for entire film)

-Compositing of all CG environment, characters, etc…


Shot 28: Megamind - Throwing Skeleton

-Lighting & Comp (Dreamworks) (Comp Lead/Supe for entire film)

-Shot production lighting.

-Compositing of all CG environment, characters, etc…


Shot 29: Megamind - Melting Roof

-Lighting & Comp (Dreamworks) (Comp Lead/Supe for entire film)

-Shot production lighting.

-Compositing of all CG environment, characters, etc…


Shot 30: Monsters VS Aliens - Breakup Scene

-Lighting/Comp (Dreamworks) (Lead Lighter for entire sequence)

-Rig setup and lighting direction

-Compositing of all CG environment, characters, etc…

-Led production artists for the sequence


Shot 31: AI Artificial Intelligence - Breakfast with Teddy

-Comp (PDI) 

-Wire/rig removal from CG bear puppet


Shot 32: Sky Captain - Mini Elephant

-Comp (WOT)

-Bluescreen extraction

-Integration of practical with CG room and FG.


Shot 33: Sky Captain - Plane Flies In Front of Explosion

-Comp (WOT)

-All CG shot plus some practical fire integration.


Shot 34: Sky Captain - Plane Narrowly Escapes Explosion

-Comp (WOT)

-All CG shot plus some practical fire integration.